Sunday 22 February 2015

Would You Risk College Admission on Your English Essay?

Why would a student want to work with an independent educational consultant for their college application essay? Our high school has students do their essays in Senior English class. Isn't that enough? I just don't understand why the application would be that difficult.
For those of us who applied to school way back when - when you could have typed your essay on a typewriter instead of a computer - things were different. When I applied to college, there was no SAT prep in my area, application deadlines were February or later, few schools required essays, and most colleges admitted almost everyone who applied. Today things are different.
College admission is more competitive. Applications aren't impossible, but more is riding on those essays, short answers, activity lists, and letters of recommendation.
So why would a student work with an independent educational consultant rather than work with an English teacher at school? While English teachers are very knowledgeable about writing essays, they are not necessarily well informed on what colleges are looking for and the types of writing beneficial in the admissions process.
I've seen good suggestions backfire when the entire senior class works to write college essays en masse. I had one young man come to me and say: Mrs. Dorsey, my English teacher says we need to have to have two instances of dialogue in each of our essays. Dialogue can work well in a college essay if it's done well, but effective dialogue is difficult to write. Two pieces of dialogue in each essay from every student from that entire school! What used to be unique now is commonplace and all essays begin to sound alike!
Why would a student want to work with me? I spend a lot of my time specializing in college admissions, attending professional conferences, and speaking with admissions officers. I know what colleges do and don't want to see in an essay.
  • I get students to tell their unique stories in the most effective way. Colleges don't want to hear essays that sound like I wrote them. They also don't want to hear the same formulaic essay from every student at a particular school. They want to hear the unique, educated voice of a teenager.

  • I understand that the college essay is a student's best opportunity to show-off abilities, talents, and strengths. The essay is so much more than the question presented and if students provide a direct and literal answer, they often overlook an essential opportunity.

  • I can help a student step back, put the essay in the context of the entire application, and formulate a response that answers the question while promoting key factors that highlight strengths not mentioned elsewhere in the application.
Yes, it's good to have someone proofread essays and English teachers are good at doing this. But if you know your essay might be the difference between an admission or rejection letter, you may want specialized application coaching. I know it is a cliche, but when students submit college applications, they only get one opportunity to make a good first impression.
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Short Essays on Rural Mezcal Production - Part II - Recicado From the Mixteca Alta

It won't win any contests for being a quality spirit. And in fact residents of the region don't even call it mezcal, but rather "recicado," a Mixteco name, they say. But after a five hour drive from the city of Oaxaca, deep in the Mixteca Alta one encounters agave distillation which does take the prize for giving the true aficionado as genuine a glimpse as possible, into the means and materials of production likely encountered by the Spanish at the beginning of the Conquest: clay pots; carriso (river reed) tubing; mud and stone still; pulverizing using a tree burl and wooden trough; fermenting in an animal skin; and of course traditional baking in an in-ground oven.
Pueblo Viejo is a tiny hamlet an hour's drive from San Juan Mixtepec, along a badly potholed dirt road. The tranquil valley leading to the settlement is known as Rio Azucena, and for good reason ... the Sánchez Cisneros family lives alongside a river, a pre-requisite for producing recicado in this part of the state.
Nineteen year old Hilda Sánchez Cisneros lives with her sister, Natividad Sánchez, 47, and four of Natividad's six children. The other two live and work in the countryside in North Carolina. Fernando, Natividad's husband, is away this day, doing tequio (community service). Their 10 old son Esteban, and daughter Dália, 16, are fully trilingual, because they and their mother spent several years living in the US, and accordingly they had an opportunity to attend American public school. But here they are, eking out the most modest of existences, producing recicado for Friday sale in the San Juan Mixtepec weekly marketplace.
The family also subsists by growing squash, corn and beans. It's clear that meat and fowl are not staples in their diet, not unusual for families in the most rural communities in the state.
The stream is an occasional provider, supplying the family with small fish at certain times of the year. And then there is rabbit, squirrel, possum, and fox. "I know that city folk won't eat small animals like squirrel and possum," Natividad explains, "but we do up here, when we can get it, and it's actually quite good." Esteban proudly adds that occasionally you can also come across coyote and wolf, but more often than not it's higher up in the mountains.
Hilda and Natividad learned to distill from their parents and grandparents. However during the early years, the plants used in production were wild varieties of agave that had to be collected by climbing the hillsides. Then a couple of years ago Fernando went to Matatlán, the acknowledged world capital of mezcal, and brought back a number of baby agave espadín plants. Espadín continues to be the only type of maguey that is successfully cultivated throughout the state. So now the family is able to grow its own agave in this fertile yet sparsely populated valley, part of which forms the homestead. But the degree of knowledge of family members concerning scientific process and function, seems to be lacking, or rather basic.
The appearance of the chiote (stalk) is the first sign that the maguey has fully matured. Allowing the stalk to shoot up and produce baby plants should be the primary means of reproducing agave espadín. But Fernando and family harvest before the chiote ascends from the heart of the plant. This inhibits their ability to increase the number of fields under cultivation (the plant does produce "hijos" or children through the root system, but this is a secondary means of reproducing and is not relied upon in commercial enterprises). Equally important is that harvesting the plant prematurely, by not awaiting the chiote, cutting it, and then allowing the natural sugars an opportunity to gather in the base or "piña" of the plant, adversely impacts the quality of the finished product.
But just as traditional mezcal production dictates, the piñas are baked in a pit perhaps eight feet deep and six feet across, atop firewood and river rock. Rather than use synthetic material to cover the "oven," a layer of palm leaf topped with earth is utilized. However the similarity between customary mezcal production, and recicado, stops here.
Instead of crushing the baked agave using a mule or pony pulling a limestone wheel over it, around a circular enclosure, the cooked plant is pulverized by human power, using a tree burl or hand hewn long wooden mallet to pound the baked agave into a pulp in a five foot long canoe-shaped wooden receptacle. Four posts --- thick, straight tree branches --- support a large "bag" made out of bull hide, at about four feet off the ground. Covered with plastic, the mash is left out in the sun to ferment, for four to five days.
Distillation takes place in an area sheltered by laminated metal roofing, located 20 yards from the home. The family employs four igloo shaped stills, aligned in a straight row. Fashioned from stone and mud, each is virtually identical to the next. Beginning from the bottom, the opening where firewood is placed contains a tubular stone which supports a clay cylinder into which the fermented juices and fiber are placed. Vapor rises from it into a bottomless clay pot. The pot is covered with a bowl, or whatever else is available for use.
Water from a halved and hollowed out tree trunk runs above the stills, and fills each of the four bowls through concave pieces of agave leaf leading from four exit holes in the canal above. As the vapor rises and reaches the bowl, by now cooled by the water, condensation takes place. Liquid drips onto another piece of agave leaf, this one affixed to the inside middle of the clay pot, and angled down to a small hole in the side of the container. The liquid exits the vessel through the hole. A hollowed length of river reed, tightly inserted into the hole and pointing downward ensures that the recicado flows slowly out of the pot and into an urn.
The primitive process does mirror many of the steps and adheres to some of the principles required to produce mezcal in the more artisanal technique. But key elements are lacking, no doubt reflected in the quality of the spirit:
1) as noted, the piña is not harvested at the optimum time;
2) fermentation is complete after only a third of the time usually required to adequately ferment espadín for mezcal production in Oaxaca's central valleys, although exposure to the sun on a continual basis assists, as does the sheltered lowland semi-tropical environment;
3) recicado is distilled only once.
The result is a relatively low alcohol content watery beverage, almost sour to the taste. Yet the local populace buys it and drinks it, and pays about double the price it costs to acquire traditional 40 - 46 percent alcohol by volume mezcal in the towns and villages surrounding the city of Oaxaca. To be sure, I did try the recicado produced by a competitor up the road, and found it to be only marginally less displeasing.
On my return visit to Pueblo Viejo, I intend to bring two or three liters of my favorite village mezcals for the Sánchez Cisneros family to sample. The hope is that Fernando, Natividad and Hilda will embrace the opportunity to experiment with production, and conceivably begin to distill a spirit more acceptable to the palate ... and with at least a bit of a kick. Then who knows, the family may even begin to market it as mezcal, leaving recicado to die a slow, and perhaps even welcomed death.
However care should be taken to not disrupt the basic means and materials currently used in production. They hold a strong attraction for the enthusiast willing to make the trek to Pueblo Viejo. But more importantly, the principles of distillation adhered to must remain for time immemorial, to bear witness to the proposition that the manufacture of spirits, beyond the mere fermentation of the juices of the agave, developed in the Mixteca Alta region of Oaxaca prior to the Conquest, and independent of the science and technology of the Western World.
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How to Use Sample Personal Statements

A personal statement is a critical requirement when it comes to applying to the college, university, or graduate school of your choice. Your personal essay will allow the selections board to determine whether you are well-suited to the course or field of study or you have enough experience and interest to make you a good candidate for the slot. At this point in the application, you will no longer be able to do anything about your grades, extra-curricular experience, and your overall academic standing. However, there are some things you can do to make your personal essay stand out from the rest.
As much as writing a statement is of crucial importance when applying to an academic institution, some students find themselves at a loss on how to write their admissions essay. One of the best means to get help is to look for sample statements. These sample essays allow you to get an idea how you will want your admissions essay to come out, so you can maximize your chances of getting admitted.
Finding reliable statement help
Before you can take advantage of statement samples, however, finding a reliable source should be your very priority. There are many sources of essay samples on the web, however, not all of them actually offer worthwhile tips. If you come across the wrong site, you may in fact be jeopardizing your personal essay without you knowing it. It is important to note furthermore that different schools may differ in content and formatting requirements. A good source of personal statement help should take into account the specific requirements of your personal essay more than anything else. It is not enough for you to settle on any personal statement guide that you stumble upon online. A reliable guide should be your priority, so that you can get essay samples, which will be of use to you.
Using a sample statement as a guide
You can use a sample personal statement in different ways, although the primarily goal in using a sample would be for you to be able to write a compelling and interesting personal statement. One way is to create your own outline to organize your thoughts and your story better. You can also make use of sample excerpts when writing a strong and interesting introduction to your essay.
One caveat in using personal statement help, however, is to make sure that you don't copy these samples and pass them as your own work in your admissions essay. These guides are meant to be just that--guides. Copying someone else's written work and claiming them as your own is one form of plagiarism. Submitting a plagiarized work as a personal statement will surely put your application and your credibility at risk.
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6 Steps to a Better Research Paper

Step 1. The first step in any research project is deciding what you want to research. For example, you may want to research China. Whoa, that's a big topic. You'll need to narrow it down a bit.
What exactly interests you about China? Let's say you're interested in the History of China. That topic is as enormous as the Great Wall, so let's narrow it down to something more manageable:
  • History of China-->Women's roles -->Tang Dynasty (June 18, 618 - June 1, 90)
Step 2. What you need to do now is consider the purpose of your research:
  • Will you compare and contrast the roles of women during the Tang dynasty with some other country?
  • Will you make an argument for or against the treatment of women during the Tang Dynasty?
  • Do you have an original theory you would like to propose about women's status during the Tang Dynasty?
Let's pick option 3: An original theory regarding women's roles during the Tang Dynasty.
Step 3: Now you must formulate a thesis. A thesis is typically a one -sentence summary of your topic. For our topic, the thesis may be:
Thesis: Women's status in the Tang Dynasty was relatively liberal.
Great! We've got our thesis statement.
Step 4. Now, the fun stuff: let's come up with a hypothesis. Admittedly to do this, you must already know something about your topic. But, essentially a hypothesis is an attempt to explain the state of something-it is to answer the question of why.
Women's liberal status during the Tang Dynasty was a result of relative stability and prosperity of the time.
Step 5. Our next step is the literature review, which will help us back-up our hypothesis. A literature review is a survey of the research that already exists on your chosen topic. You will incorporate this into your results, most likely a research paper. There are several different ways to incorporate the literature review.
Below are two commonly used methods of incorporating a lit review:
  • Compare and contrast the existing research
  • Present the existing research in chronological order
In our case, we'll compare and contrast the existing research, to figure out where our thesis fits in. For example, we'll look at the roles of women in China and compare times of peace with times of war, times of prosperity with times of leanness.
Step 6. After our lit review, we should have a broad understanding of our topic. At this point, we must begin the writing phase of our research project.
Before you begin, here are a few tips:
Your research paper should consist of:
An introduction
  • Clearly states thesis and hypothesis
  • Gives some indication of the topics to be covered (i.e. war, peace, prosperity, poverty)
  • Each paragraph should have a topic sentence-something that tells the reader what is to come. And, each paragraph should transition smoothly into the next.
  • How many paragraphs will depend entirely on the required length of the paper, but as a general guide:
  • One or more paragraphs for lit review
  • One or more paragraphs for each issue addressed in hypothesis
  • One or more paragraphs synthesizing the work with previous research-both the areas where it coincided and where it contradicted

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The Importance of Christian Education in Today's World

Christianity has been of the greatest importance to the USA since the time when the first settlers stepped on the Plymouth Rock. Ever since the USA has upheld the Christian values teaching them as mandatory in schools and even conducting witch hunts. At present the church is separated from the State to assure the normal functioning of other religions, while being no longer mandatory, but rather optional for studying. In the following essay I am going to speak about the Christian education as always being the option for the citizens of the USA and to explain the importance of Christian education and the role it plays in our society.
Christianity has constantly played a great role in human education in Europe as well as in the USA. The first schools in both Europe were Catholic that taught high moral standards and compliance with the God's rules. After the Protestant reformation, the role of Catholicism was drastically reduced. When the first settlers arrived to the USA, the religion they were teaching in schools was Protestantism. Christianity educated people in schools while placing certain limits on the human development. Unlike Catholic and Orthodox churches that highly believed in God's dominance and written scrutiny and therefore rejected various sciences that are anti-religious (genetic engineering, nuclear sciences, etc.), protestant churches considered good deeds and helpful behavior to be of the ultimate importance to God. Protestant churches believed that God created any sciences possible; therefore it was a human duty to study as much as possible as well as proclaiming God and expressing God in all human achievements.
Christianity if taught at schools leaves a great stigma on the students. The statistics say that students who study Christianity and Christian values at school are much less likely to engage in illegal activities such as underage drinking, promiscuous sex, and carrying arms. In US schools from all students who engage in the illegal activities only 12% of them are students studying Christianity or are engaged in Christian schools.
On a more personal level I believe that Christian education is of great importance to the whole country. Students in their teens are only forming their future character and certainly need various people to take example from. It is no wonder that in poor schools and in what we call bad neighborhoods, the crime rates are much higher--children that grow up in violent environment are in my opinion are going to be violent. It is a common fact that boys that grew up in families where fathers beat up their wives are more likely to also beat up their future spouses like their fathers. All these examples indeed show us the importance of education in the early years of human life and make us understand that education should be of great value to the society. Christianity on the other hand discourages arms, sex before marriage, as well as drinking. When exposed to Christian morals, students are more likely to develop personal attitude that would allow them to resist the peer pressure, engage in profound studying and strong desire for excellence. This shows the important role of domestic security that the Christian education provides for the society that promulgates Christianity in schools.
At the same time, Christianity being only optional provides the necessary freedoms to students of other religions, or even atheists who do not want to be influenced by the religious thought. The freedom or choice, makes the Christian teachers compete for the students and therefore not to abuse the Christian moral as it happens in areas of the world where Christianity is dominant (e.g. in Serbia and Horvatia Christianity prompted the people to eradicate the Muslims from the Christian land).
In conclusion I would like to say that the Christian educational option in fact provides a wonderful complementary material to students in the USA. The statistics that show reduction in violence, loose behavior or engagement in illegal activities corroborate the practical importance of Christian education, while the separation of church and state assures that no single religious leader can take control of the political life in the USA. The role of being the crime reducer that the Christian education represents the true need of such education in the society.
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Admissions Consultants - Best Recommended Personal Statement Writing Service

If you are applying to go to graduate school, you may find that writing the personal statement is one of the most challenging pieces of the entire application package. Admissions to a top graduate program is dependent on writing a really great personal statement. Everyone isn't the greatest writer - and for those people - help with your graduate admissions essay can be right at your fingertips.
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Anyone familiar with grad school admissions can tell you that getting into graduate school isn't as simple as having a cutoff GPA or GRE score. As a matter of fact, many people seriously underestimate the importance of the graduate admissions essay. Generally speaking, most applicants have similar GPA and GRE scores. Writing a great statement of purpose is your one chance to speak directly to the graduate admissions committee and present a compelling case to reserve your space on the next year's short list of admitted students. It is your chance to stand out from the competition.
Admissions Consultants, founded in 1996, recognizes that writing a personal statement for graduate school isn't as simple as churning out a term paper. This company specializes in personal statement writing whether you intend to go onto business school, medical school, law school, or even a Ph.D. program. Featured in publications, such as the Los Angeles Times, Business 2.0, and Yale News, this company boasts a staff of Ivy League educated editors and writers on their staff with a track record of producing personal statements that get results!
Full Service Admissions Essay Writing
An admissions essay writing service comes at a premium price. First, there is a full service package called Model Essay Development in which you work directly with writers to completely help you develop an amazing essay from scratch. You simply supply the factual information and then work closely with a writer to develop a one-of-a-kind essay based on their knowledge of what admissions committees are looking for. Model essay development is indeed their most popular service, but if you prefer to do most of the writing yourself, you can use their Critique and Proofreading Service.
Is this service worth the money?
Admissions Consultants is a great service to use if you need to write a standout personal statement, but don't have a lot of time. This company guarantees a 7 day turnaround on all services. You can also opt for expedited service to get your essay back in 3 days. If you are unsatisfied with the finished product, you can request a rewrite for FREE!
While Admissions Consultants cannot guarantee an acceptance letter to your top choice graduate program, they have an excellent track record of producing results after almost 15 years in business. Their staff has credentials from some of the nation's top universities, including Harvard, Yale, Columbia, NYU, UPenn, UC Berkeley, and UCLA. Especially if you're applying to any graduate program on this list, then it is probably your best bet to invest in this personal statement writing service that issues results!
Application fees to apply to graduate school are expensive - and growing year after year. What difference would it make to get in on your first try rather than spend hundreds of dollars year after year to only receive a slew of rejection letters? Commit and do what is necessary to write a great graduate personal statement the first time around!
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How to Create Successful Studying at University

Late night cramming, finishing assignments in the student lounge on the day they are due, praying for a good essay topic to come your way. Does any of this sound familiar? Yes, these are some of the characteristics of a university education with which many of us are familiar. How many times have you heard a joke on TV about flirting, drinking, and partying simply being "what you do in college." Part of the university experience is about having fun, growing as a person, and yes some partying! However, let's not forget about the actual "reason" for university in the first place. If you've forgot I'll remind you! It's about getting a great education, getting high grades, and preparing yourself for the future of your dreams. That's fairly true isn't it? The reason you came to university was to get an education?
I was lucky enough to get through university with some pretty good marks and options for the future. But, it didn't come easy. I learned the hard way by trial and error to figure out the right combination of study tactics that worked for me. I wish the same school success for you as well. But not the same hard knocks of trial and error, although some of that is probably unavoidable. It can be much easier to get through university if you have a methodology to follow or even some simple tips to better studying. Even though it may be a bit of a fight to actually get your studying and assignments done, what with everything else going on around you, it is worth your while to learn some strategies to help you in this area. The following are some tips for studying that may help you with the studious part of your university career.
Tip #1: Make a decision for yourself to place a high priority on grades. You are the only one that will actually prioritize this. Even though your parents may really nag at you to get your studying and assignments done, ultimately it is up to you. You are the boss of your destiny, not your friends, profs, or parents. Make your residence a place that promotes studying, assignments, and learning. This will help you prioritize school work both at school and at home.
Tip #2: Create a habit of doing something fun and rewarding after studying. Make it a rule that you must get school work done first and play second. Fun time may include going out with friends, chatting on the phone or online with friends, watching a favourite TV program, playing a game, working out, etc.
Tip #3: Schedule time to study and do assignments every day at the same time if you can. Be specific about what time and for how long studying is to take place each day. This promotes studying as a habit and a regularly scheduled activity. We tend to find things easier to do when they have become a routine activity. However, also schedule in time when you will not be doing any homework, such as on Sunday.
Tip #4: Encourage a positive and focused study atmosphere. A good place to study is one with good lighting, a desk and chair, and few or no distractions. This place provides pencils, pens, paper, a stapler, calculator, ear plugs, tissue, highlighters, a computer, and anything else needed for your school work. This helps to avoid time wasted on looking around for each accessory separately.
Tip #5: Make it fun to get good grades. Set positive consequences in place for getting good grades. You want to pay attention to and be focused on the good things you do much more than the bad things you do. It can be easy to get into a habit of being hard on yourself for mistakes of the past. Learn from them, let them go, and move forward into a better future. Notice and celebrate the good things you do, especially getting good grades. Take yourself to a movie, buy yourself your favourite Starbucks treat, or just relax at home. Do whatever will be rewarding for you.
Tip #6: Work on creating new study habits. New habits take approximately 90 days to create. This means that you will need to use willpower and motivation for the first 90 days. After that the habits you have created will be more automatic and come much more easily. The earlier in life you establish healthy habits for yourself the better off you will be in the long run. Good habits not only include studying but also healthy eating, working out, balancing work and play, and being compassionate with yourself and with others.
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Innovation Management: The Quality and Quantity of the Idea Pool

Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation.
There are distinct processes that enhance problem identification and idea generation and, similarly, distinct processes that enhance idea selection, development and commercialisation. Whilst there is no sure fire route to commercial success, these processes improve the probability that good ideas will be generated and selected and that investment in developing and commercialising those ideas will not be wasted.
The quantity and quality of the idea pool is important.
The Economist (2003b) states that 3000 bright ideas are needed for 100 worthwhile projects, which in turn will be winnowed down to four development programmes for new products. And four such development programmes are the minimum needed to stand any chance of getting one winner.
Generating a large idea pool of quality ideas is actually not that difficult. There are numerous approaches:
a) One of the more useful definitions of creativity is that it is a large set of ideas, a large set of diverse ideas and large set of novel ideas. Focusing on each of these opens up various pathways.
b) Separating creative from critical thinking. Creative thinking is unrestricted, uninhibited, unrestrained, imaginative, carefree, rebellious, and revolutionary. Once a large set of ideas are generated, critical thinking can be used, which is focused, feasible, conservative and practical.
c) One of the more useful methods is simply to be prolific. Some of the most successful creations have been produced when the creator was being prolific. Being prolific trounces over the blocks that prevent output and quickly builds up competencies that are required for truly exceptional work.
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